John Dominis passed away peacefully on December 30, 2013. By his side was his partner of more than three decades, artist Evelyn Floret. The renowned photo-journalist passed away at their home following complications from emergency bypass surgery a year earlier.
This website has been set up by Evelyn Floret, at the suggestion of Mike Maple. It is here so that his friends and admirers can sign his guestbook and share their memories of this extraordinary man. He may be remembered through his prolific work, which may be found through the links on the His Work and Obituaries page(s).
Please use the Guestbook section below to share your thoughts/post comments about John. The notes posted here prior to his passing were most meaningful to him and those posted now are meaningful to those who were close to him.
John was a great inspiration to many in the creative community. If you count yourself among them and care to share a link to your website, John would be proud to offer a link to it from this site. Photos may be manually added in your guestbook message by the administrator, if you would please send them as email attachments to Evelyn at evelyn@sculpturezone.com. Please also use that email address, should you have any other problem pertaining to this website.
Thank you for your support.
Greetings John,
I feel so privileged to have discovered you and your incredible body of work from your Grandson Johnner here in Sonoma Calif. As a budding photojournalist and photo-editor of City College of San Francisco's newspaper, your images are an amazing inspiration and a motivator to travel the world!
Take care and I wish you all the best.
~James Fanucchi
Greetings John,
I feel so privileged to have discovered you and your incredible body of work from your Grandson Johnner here in Sonoma Calif. As a budding photojournalist and photo-editor of City College of San Francisco's newspaper, your images are an amazing inspiration and a motivator to travel the world!
Take care and I wish you all the best.
~James Fanucchi
Hey John,
Sending you giant good thoughts for a healthy recovery. Your kindness, and and talents remain unrivaled.!!!
Please get well soon soon soon. Much much love,
your trusty old photo assistant,
Wishing you the best for a speedy recovery. Your LIFE pictures were an inspiration for a then young photographer. I still cherish the advice you offered me as Director of Photography at People and SI
John, I still remember the night we shared with Joe Scherschel at the Jefferson. Great war stories of your days at LIFE. Wonderful people.
Dear John, please get better, that would be a wonderful Christmas gift!!! Everybody here in Paris send their best wishes, and good recovery!!!! Lots of love!!! Julia
Hey boss get well soon!
Richard Mackson
Get better soon - we need all the 'greats' around as long as possible - I promise to reshoot that SI assignment for you...... one of these days
My very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
John... Get well soon. I can never thank you enough for all you taught me when you took a chance on bringing me on board at Sports Illustrated. I still try and apply the lessons all these many years later. I will be forever grateful to your kindness...
Ron Modra
I haven't seen John in quite a few years, but I remember him well when we both were assigned to cover President Nixon's visit to China in 1972. John was then, and is now, one of the best photographers of our time. His work for Life then and during that trip, and the pleasure of being in his company stay with me to this day. His picture of Mrs. Nixon's visit to the Beijing Zoo to see the Pandas, with myself, working as a CBS News cameraman with Walter Cronkite, and his producer, Ed Fouhy and other journalists from that historic visit have an honored place on my office wall at home. I just wish the best for John and his complete recovery.
hey john...i think of you every morning...the big cat in the tree with the kill hangs in my bathroom....:>)
truly, tho, we all wish you a speedy recovery (and that will happen as soon as you leave the hospital)
we all love you...dickiedo
Well, John, I have to say that I think we all would like to imagine ourselves looking as great as you do in the photograph at the top of this page. I mean, truly, THAT is what a photojournalist aspires to be: confident, able to SEE, able to move into action once you SEE what youre looking for, and make those pictures which tell the story. The guy in that portrait looks, to me like someone I'd be happy to send on any assignment, any place. I'm personally happy to have been sent out a few times by you (in the PEOPLE era) along the way. Meanwhile, there is great joy in just browsing the old magazines and seeing great photography on a big printed page, and so much of it was yours. All that is well and good, of course, but mostly, I wanted to tell you that you make a helluva capuccino,and that i wish you a speedy out of the hospital so you can once again take up the reins on your espresso machine. Just know you are loved and admired by a lot of people, both in and out of the photo world
David B
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. Hope you turn that corner quickly and are back on your feet!!!
Best Wishes from South Florida
Mike O'B
Hello John,
David from Milwaukee here with all best wishes and prayers. You had an exhibition at the gallery I was a part of and I still cherish the LIFE book you signed for me. I am working on an exhibition of work from Ronald C. Modra now, who you know and was one of my mentors.
My life is enriched for having met you. Be well soon!!
David Bernacchi
Dear Mr. Dominis,
We've never met as far as I know , but when i was very young your photographic work inspired me to pick up a camera for the first time and then keep trying to reach your high standards. Some people say people doesn't really change what people do and how they act but my mother holds you, Rentmeester, Eisenstadt, Crane, & Morse personally responsible for my not going to law school.
Thank you for saving me and get well soon,
Ellis Vener
Dear John,
Thank you for many lifetimes of inspiration, guidance and joy. My love,
Dear John I am praying for your speedy recovery. I have such warm memories of how kind you were to me when I was just the young secretary for Dick Pollard. Please know that so many of us are here in your corner wishing you a speedy recovery. with love and admiration,
Rooting for you to get well very soon. Quick recovery. Best, Walt
Hi again John, I hope you are ready for some BBQ. Remember the BBQ shipments slipped in with film and equipment. Those were the days. Love you and see u soon.