John Dominis passed away peacefully on December 30, 2013. By his side was his partner of more than three decades, artist Evelyn Floret. The renowned photo-journalist passed away at their home following complications from emergency bypass surgery a year earlier.
This website has been set up by Evelyn Floret, at the suggestion of Mike Maple. It is here so that his friends and admirers can sign his guestbook and share their memories of this extraordinary man. He may be remembered through his prolific work, which may be found through the links on the His Work and Obituaries page(s).
Please use the Guestbook section below to share your thoughts/post comments about John. The notes posted here prior to his passing were most meaningful to him and those posted now are meaningful to those who were close to him.
John was a great inspiration to many in the creative community. If you count yourself among them and care to share a link to your website, John would be proud to offer a link to it from this site. Photos may be manually added in your guestbook message by the administrator, if you would please send them as email attachments to Evelyn at evelyn@sculpturezone.com. Please also use that email address, should you have any other problem pertaining to this website.
Thank you for your support.
Shoshana and I are thinking about you John, and wish you a full and speedy recovery. We've had so many great dinners together with you and Evelyn but our evening at "Per Se" topped them all.
Just thinking about it still gives Shoshana and me a severe case of instantaneous Gout. It was , by far, the greatest culinary extravaganza of our life and also the most expensive we might add. (The following morning we promptly sold half our stock portfolio)... In retrospect, I guess it's fair to say that we went a bit overboard by selecting the Chef's 9-course tasting event instead of the simpler 3-course menu-- but it seemed so do'able at the time, and the four of us love and admire great food... We started the feast with Evelyn's favorite champagne and then proceeded to experience a nine course dinner with nine paired wines for every dish. I specifically recall Shoshana and Evelyn giggling after the 5th glass of wine...To add insult to injury, we adventurously added foie gras and truffles as essential supplements....Now, that might have been considered a bit excessive by some, but we were "on a roll" that evening and The Devil be Damned.... For lack of a better name, I have subsequently referred to that special night as our "The King Louis XVI Pigout." Yes, it might have been a tad expensive, but your and Evelyn's company, scintillating conversation on all sorts of subjects, and the wonderful food and wine was worth every euro--even if the four of us were subsequently a bit "ill" from the over-indulgence. And, after all, we did get an autographed menu from the chef for having survived the experience.
David and Shoshana Sonnenberg